Ukraine. Is the Italian Democratic Party proposing to send Italian soldiers to Odessa to defend the interests of the war industry?

Mr. Enrico Letta Secretary of the main left party in Italy (Democratic Party) since the beginning of the conflict in Ukraine has distinguished himself for an extremely aggressive policy towards Russia, totally in favor of Oligarch Zelensky. He went so far as to define heroes the Nazis of Azov Battalion paramilitary militia.

The policy promoted by the PD is subject to the interventionism of the Draghi government and the Atlanticism of American President Biden. Mr. Letta went so far as to propose a “humanitarian” military intervention in Odessa which in fact is a clear provocation towards Russia.

What are the reasons for this foreign policy which risks involving the Italian people in a distant war that does not concern them? The Democratic Party actually defends the interests of the Italian arms industry as many of its executives are also CEOs and directors of the most famous Italian arms companies.

“The priority now is to promote a humanitarian military mission to transport the grain away from the port of Odessa. Millions of people from troubled countries are waiting for it. Also essential for replenishing stocks. Europe and Italy are at the forefront “.

Mr. Enrico Letta Twitter 24/05/2022

This tweet published yesterday by Enrico Letta, Secretary of the Democratic Party (PD).

A disconcerting Twitter that in fact proposes to move war against Russia since Odessa is part of Putin’s military objectives to create a buffer zone between Russia and NATO that from the independent Republic of Transnistria (in Moldova) goes to the Russian territories of Crimea, reunited by popular will in 2014 after being “donated” to Ukraine by the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union on February 19, 1954. The conquest of Odessa aims to leave Ukraine (after a possible defeat) without raw materials and the industries of the Donbas and without breakouts on the sea.

Odessa is the victim of air and missile strikes, as well as a heavy naval blockade that prevents any import and export activity. A blockade that is imposed above all to prevent Western arms supplies. The Russian land armed forces are approaching the city but at the moment there is no definite news of when the offensive on Odessa will be launched with the consequent Mariupol-style urban battle.

With this proposal, the Secretary of the Italian Democratic Party has gone beyond all limits of the interventionist and belligerent policy of him and his party. Moreover in his Twitter he does not specify who should carry out this mission. The United Nations? NATO? Italy perhaps together with the United States? The fact remains that after sending an avalanche of weapons to a country at war (in clear violation of the Italian Constitution and international law), the presence of foreign soldiers in the port of Odessa would amount to a declaration of war.

Letta’s Twitter is doubly deplorable. Due to its irresponsible nature as Italy and the Italian people cannot be dragged into a war against Russia just to defend a distant country governed by a regime with strong Nazi connotations and for the sneaky as well as hypocritical attempt to take sides behind the hypothetical risk of hunger in poor countries.

A trick used to pass the will to drag Italy at all costs into a frightening conflict, which Italian army would not be able to sustain, citing reasons of “protection” and “solidarity” to countries in which Italy has never paid particular attention to the fate of the population beyond paying corrupt and dictatorial governments to contain illegal immigration routes (see Libya and Sudan), sell arms shamelessly (see Egypt) or dump garbage extremely harmful to human health as in the case of Tunisia. The Italy-Tunisia waste scandal (not yet resolved by the respective magistrates and governments) smells of Mafia a mile away.

Yet yesterday the head of American diplomacy Antony Blinken, during a meeting of the United Nations Security Council, proposed to create a safe naval corridor to allow the millions of tons of wheat blocked in Odessa to feed the world, admitting however that it is a tempting idea but extremely complicated to implement. Blinken asked Russia to unblock Ukrainian Black Sea ports (of which Mariupol is now in the hands of Donbas separatists) and allow free movement of ships, trains and gearboxes carrying food out of Ukraine.

This proposal was rejected by Moscow as it was convinced (rightly) that the request was exclusively addressed to increase the import of weapons, removing it from the current deadly Russian air raids. Independent sources report that one in three weapons convoy from neighboring Poland is intercepted and destroyed by Russian air forces. If these convoys are protected by the humanitarian label, Russia will face international condemnation in case of interception and destruction of these convoys.

The nature of the two proposals (that of Mr. Letta and the one of Mr. Blinken), their timing and their common humanitarian cover cannot be pure coincidence. It is clear that this is a premeditated communication plan devised by the ‘boss’ (read Washington) to achieve the aim of bringing Europe into a conflict, which, it must be repeated, does not concern Italians or Europeans. The only difference is that Mr Blinken seems more moderate than Mr Letta since he makes no mention of the “humanitarian military mission”.

We are all too familiar with the so-called Western humanitarian military missions.

Rwanda 1994. Operation Turquoise to save the civilian population victim of the genocide. In reality, to protect the government and genocidal forces, which had killed 1 million people in just 100 days, outpacing the German Nazis in efficiency, pursued by the liberation movement Rwanda Patriotic Front led by Paul Kagame, current President.

Serbia 1999 when NATO destroyed the country by air and missile strikes causing the death of over 3,000 civilians including many women, the elderly and children, 12,500 injured and almost 1 million refugees. At the time we were told it was to save Kosovo people. In reality, to complete the destruction of former Yugoslavia and create a mafia and criminal State that the European Union obviously took great care to not welcome as a member, contenting itself with keeping it in the status of protectorate. Kosovo is recognized by only 22 of the 27 members of the Union as an independent state; in fact, Cyprus, Greece, Romania, Slovakia and Spain have not officially recognized the country’s independence. At the time, a certain Mr. Mattarella (Minister of Defense and current Italian President) did not hesitate for a single moment to let Italy participate in this war crime against Serbian civilians.

Libya 2011 NATO entered the war alongside the Libyan ‘democratic forces’ against the monstrous dictator Gaddafi. In reality, a hodgepodge of foreign Islamic terrorists and primitive Libyan clan leaders who are still fighting nowdays for power in Libya. Result : destruction of one of the most advanced and richest countries in North Africa, proliferation of weapons and terrorist groups throughout North Africa and West Africa that sow death in Burkina Faso, Chad, Cameron, Niger, Nigeria, Mali.

As regards world famine due to lack of Ukraine wheat, it should be specified that for Africa the problem partially concerns the Mediterranean countries as the majority of African countries do not use wheat as a staple food but corn, cassava, sorghum, millet, cereals used in instead of bread, abundantly grown by own. North African countries produce wheat and are trying to replace Ukrainian ones with Russian ones. Forget Asia since rice dominates sovereign and Latin America which has its own wheat production or, at the limit, accesses that of the United States.

With the collapse of the false myths of humanitarian military intervention and Famine in the world due to the shortage of Ukrainian wheat, Mr. Letta is left with only with a great desire for war and servility to USA.

It is from the beginning of the war that the Democratic Party has chosen the interventionist policy of the senile Biden who clearly aims to let Italy enter the war and then drag the whole of Europe along. The journalist Antonio Mazzeo daily documents on his Twitter page all the provocative American military and espionage actions against Russia carried out starting from the Italian naval and air bases, not least the missions in the Black Sea of the American drone Global Hawk which is flying over the southern coast of the Crimea (illegally entering Russian airspace) and taking off from the US military base of Sigonella.

US Navy is super crowding the Mediterranean with war units: 4 aircraft carriers (2 nuclear-powered), submarines, cruisers and various frigates that come and go from the southern Italian ports coordinated by AFRICOM (US Africa Command) whose operational command is located in Naples. AFRICOM has also launched the Phoenix Express 2022 exercise involving warships from the USA, Algeria, Morocco, Italy, Tunisia, Mauritania, Belgium, Egypt, Spain, Greece, Libya, Malta and the United Kingdom. Theoretically, the exercise (which began on 21 May and will end on 4 June) will test the capabilities of the North African, European and US maritime forces to respond to irregular migration and to combat illicit trafficking and the movement of illegal goods and materials.

NATO Phoenix Express 2022 navy exercise on Mediterranean Sea May June 2022

In reality, the military maritime exercise is a show of strength and the exercises involve combat simulations with “hostile” ships. The exercise is considered important to strengthen the anti-Russian coalition and to thwart attempts by the Russian navy to look out over the Mediterranean Sea.

Italy plays a fundamental role in this “provocation” not only because the American fleet for Africa (in charge of promoting the national interests of the United States for the control of the Mediterranean) has the operational command in Naples, but for the participation of a large group of officers of the Italian navy at all stages of the planning and implementation of the exercise.

The Russian navy will monitor the exercises to make sure they are not a pretext for sudden actions in favor of Ukraine, especially to break the naval blockade imposed on Odessa. However, this action is considered unlikely at the moment as military ships would have to cross the Bosphorus Strait in Turkey, a NATO member country but also guarantor of Russian interests.

In addition to servility to the United States, the warlike position of Mr Enrico Letta who supports Italian Premier Mario Draghi while Mattarella closes himself in a sinister silence, seems to be aimed at increasing the influx of weapons to protect a government supported by a former comedian oligarch in which there is a strong component of neo-Nazism not only political but above all military. A government that has ignored the Minsk agreements, backed by France and Germany in 2015, which served precisely to avoid this horrible war and which has incorporated 5 Nazi paramilitary militias (of which the Azov Battalion is the most media-oriented) into its armed forces, all with independent command from the Ukrainian General Staff and responsible for horrendous war crimes and ethnic cleansing against the Russian minority during the civil war in Donbas that began in 2014 and is still ongoing.

“Helping Ukraine to resist the Russian invasion is not just a political decision, it is a duty of every European country” Letta and Draghi often repeat. Since the beginning of the conflict, many Western countries have sent military aid to Ukraine. According to data from the Ukraine Support Tracker compiled by the Kiel Institute for the World Economy, the greatest support came from the United States, which provided Kiev with the equivalent of 7.6 billion euros in aid in the four weeks following the beginning of the invasion. , of which 4 billion and 366 million in military aid. Now US have reached 40 billion …

Italy is in sixth place in the ranking of the Kiel Institute for the World Economy for aid sent to Ukraine — 260 million euros in total — and in fourth place considering only military aid, which amounts to approximately 150 million. Two hundred and sixty million which would have been a panacea for the post-pandemic economic recovery and to alleviate growing poverty in Italy.

Italy has sent anti-tank and anti-aircraft systems, light and heavy machine guns and mortars with an estimated value of between 100 and 150 million euros. To which must be added a contribution of 110 million euros paid to the Ukrainian government at the end of February, which certain diplomatic sources doubt its correct use by Zelensky.

Another 12 million, also part of the first tranche of aid, was sent to Kiev in the form of “equipment for the protection of individuals and the civilian population”: helmets and flak jackets, devices for detecting mines and other explosive devices.

Many of the Italian weapons were intercepted and destroyed by the Russian air force as soon as they entered the Polish border. Worse for Ukrainian soldiers, better for Italian war industries which can send other weapons, obviously bought by Italian government with taxpayers’ money. The paradox has been reached that 120mm mortars and Italian assault rifles are now used by Russian soldiers after having captured the stocks (including ammunition) found in the captured Ukrainian positions.

At the beginning of April, Premier Draghi had even attempted to send men from the Col Moschin special units, Navy raiders (Consubin) and Task Force 45 to Ukraine to train Ukrainian soldiers and neo-Nazi militias in the use of our weapons and best fighting techniques to counter Russian Army. These special forces have stopped in neighboring countries as the Italian General Staff would have questioned their employment in Ukraine which would have amounted to an act of war against Russia, according to revelations from diplomatic sources.

Who are the Italian industries that are benefiting from this orgy of arms donations to a distant country for a war that does not concern us?

Leonardo-Finmeccanica, Difesa Servizi and Agenzia Industria Difesa. The weight of the contracts entered into with the Italian government for the dispatch of weapons to Ukraine is a State secret.

Is there any connection between these industries and Mr. Enrico Letta’s military interventionism? Unfortunately Yes.

Chief Executive Officer of Leonardo-Finmeccanica since May 16, 2017: Alessandro Profumo, PD high-level leader called in the political environment “the PD foreign Pope “ former banker and former general manager of Unicredit forced to resign on 21 September 2010 after months of tension with the Uniceredit president Dieter Rampl and with various historical shareholders, who in particular questioned the rise of Libyans in the bank’s capital, favored by Profumo, as well as the latter’s categorical opposition to the possibility of merging with the Mediobanca group.

Alessandro Profumo Chief Executive Officer of Leonardo-Finmeccanica

Mr. Profumo has been a proponent of the Italian atomic bomb since 2019, through a joint venture with Matra BAE Dynamics Alenia — MBDA, the main European consortium constructing missiles and defense technologies, as revealed by the 2019 report of the International Campaign for the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons (ICAN). Profumo appeared before the Senate Defense Commission last April to offer explanations of his involvement in favor of Massimo D’Alema (another PD big hit now “slightly” sidelined by the party) in the negotiation for the sale of military aircraft of Leonardo to Colombia.

Chief Executive Officer of Defense Services: Pier Fausto Recchia since 2014, former PD deputy of the Chamber appointed in 2013 as member of the Democratic Party Management and head of the technical secretariat of Undersecretary of Defense Roberta Pinotti.

Recchia was a member of the “White Paper for international security and defense”, presented by the Minister of Defense Pinotti to the joint committees of the House and Senate in 2015. This document outlined the objectives for international security and defense that will guide our country to make it “safer” by binding to the Atlanticist ideology and the American mono-polar vision where Europe is relegated to a subordinate role. A key text for understanding the PD’s foreign policy regarding the Ukrainian conflict, apparently illogical for a party that claims to be a “left” party.

Director General of the Defense Industry Agency: Nicola Latorre who obtained the post on 6 October 2020 on the proposal of the Minister of Defense Lorenzo Guerini, senator PD, elected president of the Defense Commission of the Senate in 2013.

Nicola LatorreDirector General of the Defense Industry Agency

In the summer of 2005 Latorre was intercepted in a conversation with Stefano Ricucci while the latter, together with Giovanno Consorte’s UNIPOL, was climbing the Banca Nazionale del Lavoro bypassing the normal market procedures (OPA). For Latorre, the GIP Clementina Forleo hypothesized the competition in stock manipulation as part of the takeover of the BNL organized by Unipol.

On the strength of the excellent business in Ukraine, Senator Nicola Latorre last week met in Rome with the deputy PD Walter Verrini, the regional councilor and spokesman for minorities Fabio Paparelli and the PD group leader at the Municipality of Terni, Francesco Filipponi, to discuss the future and on the prospects for relaunching and enhancing the small arms maintenance center in Terni.

The Dem delegation gave the news in a note: “The director Latorre immediately noted that the Terni site is not one of the plants in charge of the Defense Industries Agency, evaluating the potential of the site as very important and declared himself available to support in absolute harmony with the Ministry of Defense and with the military leaders, within the limits of their competences, a serious study on how to make these potentials realistic and real ”. Invoking a hypothetical positive impact on Umbrian employment, the members of the PD delegation confirm the strategic value of the Terni plant.

To complete the business circle we find the former Minister of the Interior Marco Minniti President of the Med-Or Foundation, born on the initiative of Leonardo Spa in the spring of 2021 with the aim of promoting cultural activities, research and scientific training, in order to to strengthen ties, exchanges and international relations between Italy and the countries of the Mediterranean area extended to the Sahel, the Horn of Africa and the Red Sea and the Middle and Far East.

Marco Minniti President of the Med-Or Foundation, born on the initiative of Leonardo Spa in the spring of 2021

It is a pity that the Med-Or Foundation, behind its official objectives, has been carrying out advisory services for the Farnesina since last April, specifically for the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Mr Luigi Di Maio. Defined by the Draghi government as an unprecedented initiative and a pilot project, the collaboration agreement between the Leonardo-Finmeccanica Foundation and the Farnesina will focus on the analysis and experimental studies of strategic forecasting in areas of geopolitical importance and of interest for public diplomacy and cultural. All of which is COMPLETELY FREE.

The signing of the agreement worries civil society organizations who have not believed for a moment in the philanthropic spirit of Minniti and Leonardo-Finmeccanica led by the “foreign Pope of the PD” Alessandro Profumo. “Once again the military industry uses forms of collaboration for research and analysis to guide political choices”, underlines Francesco Vignarca, coordinator of the campaigns of the Italian Peace and Disarmament Network and co-founder of the Mil € x Observatory, also concerned about the free nature of the agreement. “Strangely, these agreements are not made with civil society organizations engaged in various international contexts, which could suggest other forms of foreign policy and diplomacy intervention, linked to principles of peace building, of nonviolent activation of conflict management dynamics, of enlargement of rights “.

In April 2021, a report drawn up by Transparency International — Defense and Security with the support of the Italian Coalition for Civil Liberties and Rights (CILD) and the Mil € x Observatory analyzes the ways in which the Italian arms industry exercises a undue influence on the national defense and security policy agenda. Through donations, think tank funding, the shift from public sector roles to private sector roles and vice versa (the so-called “revolving door” phenomenon) and right political connections ensured by italians parties, defense sector companies have a greater access to resources, information and contacts, which can result in excessive influence on national security policies.

Minniti as Minister of the Interior is remembered for his war against immigrants especially of African origin and against the NGOs that help them in the Mediterranean. In July 2017 he promoted the so-called “Minniti Code”, which must be signed by NGOs involved in rescuing illegal immigrants in the Mediterranean. The code prohibits NGO ships from entering Libyan territorial waters. At the time, Minniti warned all NGOs reluctant to sign the pact of the risk of being placed “outside the organized system for rescue at sea”.

Some NGOs refused to sign the new code of conduct; Doctors Without Borders (MSF) officially announced the rejection of the code, stating that there were no conditions for signing. Faced with growing public discontent and scrutiny by the Italian, Libyan and EU authorities, MSF has had to suspend its activities in the Mediterranean Sea. The German NGO Sea Watch claimed the code was “largely illegal” and “would not save lives but would have the opposite effect.”

How should we interpret this concentration of PD executives leaders and senators in the heart of the Italian war industry which at this moment is contemporary with the anti-Russia crusade of the Democratic Party and its support for the Draghi government not only to send even more weapons to the Zelensky government but also the dizzying increase in defense spending in the face of the Russian danger which translates into excellent, easy and guaranteed deals for the Italian war industry?

Let us calm Italian public opinion, which is increasingly concerned about the bellicose policies that seem to be carried out, with a strong dose of irresponsibility, by the PD and the Draghi government. Letta will not need to convince Parliament to send a “humanitarian military mission” to Odessa to save poor countries from starvation. Russia has declared itself ready for dialogue with all international partners on grain supplies from Ukraine: Deputy Foreign Minister Andrey Rudenko said today, responding to an appeal to this effect launched by the West in Moscow, which it says it is ready to provide a humanitarian corridor for ships carrying food out of Ukraine.

Despite this relaxing opening on the part of Moscow, PD Secretary Enrico Letta cannot exempt himself from specifying if, by chance, there is even the slightest link between his Atlanticist, Russian-speaking, warmongering politics and the interests of the Italian war industry.

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Fulvio Beltrami Freelance Journaliste Africa
Fulvio Beltrami Freelance Journaliste Africa

Written by Fulvio Beltrami Freelance Journaliste Africa

The duty of a journalist is to write down the truths which the powerful keep secret. Everything else is propaganda. Italian Jounalist Economic Migrate in Africa

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