Ethiopia. Humera massacre. A horrible crime and an excellent weapon against the Prosperity Party.

The discovery in Sudan of dozens of Ethiopian bodies floating on the Setit River dates back to a week ago but the news was release only during the official visit of the director of USAID: Samantha Power, in Sudan and Ethiopia. While the macabre discovery of the massacre is real, it is part of the strategy of pressure on Prosperity Party government to accept surrender and abdicate, allowing peace in Ethiopia.
The discovery by the Sudanese authorities of 50 bodies of Tegaru civilians massacred represents yet another proof of the ethnic cleansing taking place in Ethiopia. A deadly media weapon that is used during Samantha Power’s visit to Ethiopia.
Sudanese authorities have spread the news of the discovery of 50 bodies of Ethiopian civilians of the Tegaru ethnicity thrown into the Setit River. Some bodies were found with gunshot wounds or tied hands. Monday the authorities informed that a forensic investigation was needed to determine the cause of death. The victims were shot down in Ethiopian territory, and carried by the current into Sudanese territory. The Setit River originates in Ethiopia. Its Ethiopian stretch is called the Tekeze River. The advanced state of decomposition of the bodies suggests that their death dates back to several weeks ago.
The leaders of the TPLF have made good use of this news, which confirms the plan of ethnic cleansing carried out by the regime of the Prosperity Party against the ethnic Tegaru. A news reported by the major international media that horrified the whole world, aggravating the already compromised international image of Ethiopia.
The discovery of the bodies dates back to a week ago but the news was spread only during Samantha Power’s visit to Sudan, before going to Addis Ababa. Power, director of the American Agency for International Development (USAID) on Monday visited a refugee camp in Sudan that is home to thousands of Ethiopians who have fled the Tigray War.
Her official reactions to the discovery, while remaining in the sphere of humanitarian assistance, are a direct political attack on the Ethiopian regime. “Deeply worrying reports from the border between Ethiopia and Sudan. Today I was in Eastern Sudan and heard heartbreaking stories of refugees who fled the same area. The parties to the conflict must immediately facilitate humanitarian access and commit to a ceasefire before more lives are lost. ” Power declares in a Twitter of her.
The bodies found in the river do not allow any identification both for their advanced state of putrefaction and for the total absence of identity documents. However Sudanese and Ethiopian doctors are convinced that it is Tegaru for their physical connotations. Since all bodies are male, it is difficult to understand whether the victims were civilians or military. What is certain is that they suffered an execution, having their hands tied behind their backs.
The trajectory of the Ethiopian-Sudanese river suggests that the executions took place at the Humera valley where the Amhara militias were accused by the refugees of chasing Tegaru civilians during the first phase of the conflict (November 2020 — June 2021) in order to occupy the territories.
Humera massacre is part of a media and diplomatic campaign, based on real facts, but used for political purposes against the Ethiopian regime. It is certainly no coincidence that this news is accompanied by the alarming data of the humanitarian situation in Tigray and the examination by the American government of the proposal made by a political lobby hired by TPLF leaders to suspend Ethiopia from privileged trade agreements with the United States.
The countermeasures taken by the Prosperity Party regime to counter this media offensive are weak and unconvincing as they are based on denial of crimes, fakenews and accusations leveled at the regular Tigray army without a shred of evidence. On Monday, August 2, a Twitter account created by the Ethiopian government called the body accounts a false “propagandist” campaign among Tigray forces. According to Addis Ababa, it would not be the first time that the TPLF proposes the false news of the Humera Massacre using false images. A risky statement, as the bodies found were also examined by international experts, and there is no doubt about the authenticity of the photos released to the media.
The government, in an attempt to discredit the Humera massacre, launches a series of accusations against the TPLF including that of the deployment of hundreds of child soldiers. Even this accusation is not supported by irrefutable evidence. The Addis Ababa regime hopes that Power will be able to understand their reasons and will work to change American foreign policy towards Ethiopia, which has become increasingly hostile after the announcement of military cooperation with Russia.
Samantha Power has a specific mandate received from President Joe Biden. Some Western diplomatic sources inform that the Power will deliver to the Ethiopian Premier the request of the White House to abdicate and choose the path of exile in order to put an end to this civil war that is compromising the stability of the Horn of Africa and geostrategic interests and American economies in Ethiopia and the region.
These rumors do not find official confirmation or denial. However, Power’s visit to Ethiopia does not seem welcome to the Prosperity Party regime. The meeting between the director of USAID and the Ethiopian Premier is still uncertain. The Ethiopian government has already stated its opposition to opening a humanitarian corridor for Tigray through Sudan. He fears it is just a pretext to facilitate the influx of weapons and ammunition destined for the regular army of Tigray. Real and constant flow of which, however, the methodologies and routes used are not yet known.
“Samantha Power’s visit to Ethiopia is not animated by sincere intentions to understand the reality in our country. You only come to convey requests from the United States that are considered unacceptable as they create dangerous repercussions for the national security of our country. We need to prepare for further US sanctions”, says a Prosperity Party political executive contacted on the matter.
The chances of a dialogue without preconceptions between Power and the Ethiopian authorities are nil. “Our main obstacle to humanitarian assistance in Tigray is the Ethiopian government. Claims blaming Tigray forces for the humanitarian blockade and various crimes are 100% untrue.” This is what a senior USAID official said to the Associated Press speaking on condition of anonymity.