Ethiopia. Amhara National Dignity movement against Western powers and media is born.

The Ethiopian regime has started a disinformation movement to counter the news of crimes against humanity and genocide in Tigray and war crimes in Oromia. This movement, called National Dignity, is under the strict control of the far-right nationalist Amhara leadership. The movement has launched an international campaign: Hands off Ethiopia, which aims to make people believe that Ethiopia is under attack by Western powers. Meanwhile, arrive further reports of unprecedented crimes and even the use of chemical weapons against civilians in Tigray.
What was supposed to be the Blitzkrieg of the “Prosperity Triumvirate “ (the Ethiopian Premier, the Eritrean dictator and Amhara nationalist leadership) to destroy the TPLF and impose an absolutist rule through a strong and authoritarian central government, has turned into a long term war in Tigray. Abiy, Afwerki, Temesgen Tiruneh and Agegnehu Teshager worst mistake was to rage all kind of violence against the civilian population in Tigray as a retaliation for Tigray Defense Forces resistance, which made 4 (very expensive) military offensives fail. The last attempt in Central Tigray on the eve of Orthodox Easter.
By giving a free hand to the Eritrean and federal soldiers, operating in close cooperation with the primitive Amhara militias, these leaders have committed crimes against humanity, which in the future could lead them straight to the International Criminal Court. In these six months, we have witnessed an escalation of violence that has had a hellish evolution. From war crimes to crimes against humanity. From ethnic cleansing to genocide. The tactic of total annihilation of the enemy implemented by the Amhara kingdom during the Zemene Mesafint (Age of Princes: 1769–1855) has returned to the top.
Prosperity Triumvirate in order to impose its absolute and unchallenged dominion over the country is putting into practice Mechel Foucault’s theory of Bio Politic by depriving the masses of critical sense and political analysis, replaced by blind ethnic nationalism. The ultimate goal is Bio Power. The power exercised over the life of individuals on an ethnic basis. Bio Politic implies the total annihilation of the enemy, as the Nazis taught us.
The failure of the Blitzkrieg and the violence inflicted on civilians have spread the cancer of violence in 5 of the 10 regional states that make up the Ethiopian Federation, even managing to alienate the support of the main allies and donors: the United States and the European Union.
In the need for cover-up operations, those responsible for the Ethiopian horror are trying to promote an international disinformation campaign by dusting off old imperial and Stalinist concepts and rhetoric. There are two main objectives. Distorting reality in order to make it difficult to identify those responsible for the crimes against humanity committed. Unify the highest number of citizens to the project of centralization of power through a Bio Politic nationalism.
The message they spread is simple. Prosperity Party leaders were forced to resort to arms (first against the TPLF and now also against the Oromo) to make democracy in the country irreversible. Western tendencies of intervention in Ethiopia’s internal affairs (ethnical cleansing and genocide) are to be considered as an attempt by Western imperialism to destroy national independence and to subject indomitable and free Ethiopia to the yoke of colonialism.
To counteract the perfidious maneuvers of us Westerners, the Amhara movement “National Dignity” has arisen against Western powers and media. The news is reported by the online site Borkena, a well-known propaganda organ of the fascist nationalism of the Amhara leaders. The movement has launched the international campaign “Hands off Ethiopia”. A campaign based on radical and extremists elements of the Amhara diaspora in Europe and America support . These extremists blindly follow the Prosperity Triumvirate directives by denying crimes against humanity, promoting ethnic hatred against internal enemies (Tigrinya, Oromo and any other ethnic group that opposes to the plans of the Premier and the Amhara nationalists), trying to unite the Ethiopian population in defending the nation against Western imperialist attacks.
As Adolf Hitler taught, every fascist movement to have a hold on the masses must act in a context of socio-political, cultural and economic crisis and must offer the masses not an elaborate political program but a crude ideological structure and slogans, to feed nationalistic sentiment of the population and then channel it into a project of domination known to a few “elected” leaders. The Amhara National Dignity movement is no exception. As happened in Germany, Ethiopia also witnesses the emergence of the figure of the leading savior of the Nation, based on the ideology of the “medemer” (Amharic word for synergy) which provides for the imposition of an ethnic philosophical model for the construction of the nation and government.
From the propaganda documentation available and from the statements of Prosperity Triumvirate supporters made during the demonstrations of these days, an ideological communication strategy is promoted that finds a partial explanations on the propaganda organ of the extremist Amhara leadership: the online site Borkena. Ethiopia would be the embodiment of the historic struggle to safeguard the political, economic and cultural independence maintained over the centuries when Africa was under the game of European colonialism. Now Ethiopia would be under attack from domestic, regional and Western powers.
Using as a pretext the “right” to restore legality and order to Tigray or Oromia, and the international dispute over the GERD mega dam, Western powers would like to keep Ethiopia weak and vulnerable, in order to easily impose their economic and cultural interests. .
“Interventionist tendencies from the west, as demonstrated in the latest US State Department statement which alarmed Ethiopians in the country and abroad, have become a concern for most Ethiopians to the point that it is now giving birth to an unprecedented Ethiopian movement. Western interventionist tendencies are usually expressed, as elsewhere, under the guise of the protection of human rights and the defense of freedom of expression, “explains the editorial in Borkena of 18 May.
Ethiopian Premier and the nationalist Amhara leadership attempts violent and aggressive propaganda to present “National Dignity” as a spontaneous popular movement created by civil society, human rights activists, prominent personalities, musicians, actors and ordinary people, accumulated by the common Patriotism feeling and the duty to defend the homeland from internal and foreign aggressors.
Unfortunately, the reality is very different from the Ethiopian Premier’s factory of falsehood. The movement is anything but spontaneous. It was artificially created by Abiy’s communications experts, and directed by two figures directly or indirectly linked to the regime: Yinager Dessi, a senior Prosperity Party official and Governor of the National Bank of Ethiopia, and Ustaz Abubakar Ahmed, leader of the self-proclaimed Ethiopian Muslim committee, defender of Ethiopian Muslims rights.
Last Tuesday, the promoters of the “popular” movement held a press conference in the capital Addis Ababa in which they claimed that some Western countries are issuing statements that seriously and negatively interfere in Ethiopia’s internal affairs, violating its sovereignty. According to the organizers, the Western intervention is directed against the Ethiopian people. A classic propaganda in defense of a despotic regime through the creation of the enemy from which to defend in order to save the nation. In 1939 the enemies in Germany were the Jews, the Communists, and the Soviet Union. In 2021 in Ethiopia: every ethnic group and single citizen who opposes the Prosperity Party domination, Sudan, Egypt and Western colonial and imperialist powers.
The National Dignity movement has decided that the “Hands off Ethiopia” campaign should be conducted both within the country and internationally. The Ethiopian secret services, the foreign ministry and Abiy’s communications experts would have issued precise instructions on how to carry out the campaign, which messages to convey and how to convey to all Ethiopian embassies in Europe and America.
One of the main suggestions would be to make people believe that the peaceful demonstrations against Western imperialism are the fruit of the entire Ethiopian diaspora. In the demonstrations that have already taken place, the presence of Oromo, Tigrigna, Somali of the Somali Region, Gambella South Sudanese or Ethiopian citizens belonging to minor ethnic groups is not noted. Only Amhara are present in the public manifestations. This was evident in the latest protest that took place last Monday in Washington D.C. against the US request for the withdrawal of special forces and Amhara genocidal militias from the Wolkati and Raya regions of Tigray.
The American request was ignored as the tiger territories annexed to the Amhara regional state are now subject to a redistribution of land to bitter settlers and potential foreign investors. To justify the annexation of the Tigray territories, Premier Abiy and the Amhara regional government are about to organize a mass event to celebrate the military efforts of the coalition (of Prosperity Triumvirate) in liberating the Amhara territories “illegally” annexed to Tigray by the TPLF in the 1990s after the fall of the Stalinist regime of the DERG. The current tactic adopted in Tigray by the fascist Amhara leadership of annexation of territories and ethnic cleansing is in fact a repetition of the “Settlers Policy” of the dark and brutal era of the Solomonic dynasty of the Amhara Emperors.
An official letter from the National Dignity movement is ready to be addressed to all the Western embassies present in Addi s Ababa to demand an immediate end to foreign interference and respect for Ethiopian sovereignty.
The coordination of the Amhara diaspora campaign in Europe and America, intends to make more effective the past campaigns led by individuals or Amhara groups who had received orders (and possibly financial support) from Addis government to counter human rights associations and Western journalists accused of spreading biased news pro TPLF and Fake News.
Among the primary objectives is to convey and strengthen the nationalism of the imperial era where national identity, symbols and culture reflected the Amhara values through a system of forced assimilation of other ethnic groups through iron and fire. For centuries millions of Ethiopians were forced to submit to the language, politics and culture of the Amhara Imperial Court. Those who refused were eliminated.
Taking experience from past demonstrations, the Ethiopian federal government would have advised against the presence of Eritreans at the next demonstrations, given that the Asmara regime is under the crosshairs of international public opinion for the war of aggression in Tigray and for the unprecedented but systematic war crimes committed in these 6 months of civil war.
Meanwhile, the Addis Ababa government is committed to organizing “spontaneous demonstrations” of the “Ethiopian” diaspora in the West to counter our imperialism and safeguard national sovereignty, there are reports of an escalation of the federal army’s participation in ethnic cleansing and genocide project in Tigray. Doctors Without Borders reported the raid of federal soldiers in full war gear in a hospital in Axum in search of TPLF “terrorists” among hospitalized patients. Alarming reports come from some associations in defense of human rights of the alleged use by the Ethiopian federal army of chemical agents banned by the Geneva Convention in an attempt to break the armed resistance of the defense forces of Tigray. News that deserve serious investigations.