All Mr. Draghi’s lies spoken in Boston.
Personal analysis on Italian US man’s warmongering speech in Boston.

In the clear attempt to boycott Vatican and African Heads of State delegation peace missions (which would put an end to the massacre in Ukraine and make Europe safer), former italian Premier Mario Draghi intervenes with a speech given at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston where she studied, having received the Miriam Pozen Prize which recognizes excellence in the research or practice of financial policy. The speech given clarifies that Mario Draghi is a bigwig of the European elite subjected to the will of the United States. A man who counts, capable of influencing the fate of millions of Europeans despite not having institutional offices. The famous occult powers that speak volumes about the state of democracy in Europe.
In the broad and articulated speech, Mr. Draghi indirectly condemns any attempt at a diplomatic resolution of the conflict, declaring “Kiev must win the war or it will be a fatal blow for the EU”. Shielding himself with the existential values of the European Union (peace, freedom, respect for democratic sovereignty and human rights), Mr Draghi indicates to European governments the historic mission of ensuring victory for Ukraine. A victory capable of creating a change in internal politics in Moscow to be able to tame Russia to Western will.
First, the EU must be willing to strengthen its war-industrial capabilities to increase military aid to Ukraine for as long as it takes to win the war. Mr. Draghi supports Ukraine’s entry into NATO to block a fundamental requirement of any peace agreement: the neutrality of this country. NATO membership is a direct threat that Russia cannot afford to face. The continued favorable appeals from the West could push Putin to go beyond the objectives of the special police operation (protection of the Russian minority in the Donbass) to aim for the total destruction of Ukraine with an intensification of the war effort, currently estimated at 3%. of the national GDP and 5% of the Russian army’s war capabilities.
After the victory over Russia, Mr. Draghi warns that the European Union must also strengthen its defense capabilities by increasing war production. To help digest this need, Mr. Draghi paints China and Russia as terrible enemies, with the aim of nipping any possibility of dialogue in the bud and dividing the world in two, returning to Cold War logic. Exalting the globalization of the nineties (where we witnessed the triumph of wild liberalism to the detriment of people’s rights and democracy), Mr. Draghi states that China has shown that it is not a reliable and conciliatory partner by not having consistently adopted the economy of market, despite inclusion in the World Trade Organization; while Russia, with the invasion of Ukraine, proves to be a dangerous country ready for wars of expansion.
To support the pro-Kiev war effort and the rearmament of Europe, Mr. Draghi warns that substantial investments will be needed that cannot be financed only through increases in the tax burden. In fact, he proposes to raise the necessary funds through substantial cuts to infrastructure, education, welfare and health care, and through a long period of higher interest rates than in the past decade.
It is worth dwelling on the proposal to increase interest rates, which the astute Mr. Draghi places at the center of the measures necessary to be able to win the war against Russia, while concealing the devastating effects on the economy and on the population. The increase in interest rates can have various negative consequences on the economy and on the population. Business loans to invest in new projects, to expand and to improve technological research are becoming more expensive. Consequently, companies are less inclined to access financing, slowing down economic growth, compromising the competitiveness of products on the international market due to a lack of technological innovation and limiting employment, especially among young people.
Higher interest rates can affect consumers’ ability to borrow money to buy assets such as homes or cars. If loans become more expensive, people will cut back on shopping, which will negatively impact sectors such as construction, the food and tourism industries, and the automotive industry. Households and businesses that have outstanding loans with variable rates will be forced to pay higher interest rates, putting pressure on family and business budgets and reducing the availability of money for other expenses and investments.
The increase in interest rates advocated by Mr. Draghi is aimed at central banks to equip themselves with a tool to control inflation, which (according to Draghi) the war in Ukraine has contributed to its increase and will most likely trigger lasting changes that will herald higher inflation in the future. Mr. Draghi admits that High Finance has underestimated inflation “which is proving to be more resilient than initially assumed by central banks”. To tame it requires higher interest rates to reduce spending and lead to lower inflation, significantly slowing the economy, reducing employment and the welfare state. In a nutshell, declaring war on their own populations and studying how to contain any popular revolts of which France offers us a clear example.
Mr. Draghi deliberately does not explain the origin of the current inflation, which is only one: the increase in military spending and support for the war in Ukraine. The classic textbooks of capitalist economics teach us that inflation is directly affected and worsened by increased military spending and the effort involved in a war. During a war, military spending increases significantly. This leads to an increase in aggregate demand in the economy as the government purchases weapons, equipment and military services. Increased demand can lead to higher prices for goods and services, contributing to inflation.
The war effort requires resources such as manpower, materials and infrastructure. The increased demand for these resources can lead to their scarcity on the market. If supply fails to meet demand, prices can rise, fueling inflation. To finance military spending, governments can opt for new money printing or borrowing. These expansionary monetary policies can increase the amount of money in circulation, causing higher prices and inflation.
During a war, many productive resources are diverted to the war industry, reducing the availability of goods and services for other sectors of the economy. This can create imbalances and inflationary pressures, as the supply of non-military goods falls relative to the demand. It is important to note that the impact on inflation depends on the duration and intensity of the conflict, the government’s ability to finance military spending and the economic policies adopted.
Draghi is aware of all this, as an excellent financial expert, but to favor the western industrial complex (to which he is closely linked) his intention is to impose sacrifices on the European populations for a war that does not concern us . When Mr. Draghi warns that we must prepare for a long period in which “the global economy will behave in a very different way than in the recent past” he wants to herald economies of austerity to the detriment of the population, employment and well-being to the exclusive advantage of the war industry.
To justify the orientation of the war economy, Draghi indulges in an incredible series of mystifications on the EU model painted the best corporate model thanks to its existential values: its welfare network, protection of the most vulnerable, peace, freedom and respect for democratic sovereignty and human rights.
Values that are currently no longer “existential” for the European Union. Succubus of American foreign policy (since its inception conceived as a defense of national interests through imperialist policies and continuous wars) the European elite has betrayed its values by becoming a long hand of US expansionism which historically proves to be aggressive and a real risk to world peace.
In Europe we are witnessing the strengthening of far-right parties which sometimes manage to reach power as in Italy and Poland. The monsters of the past have cleared customs: fascism and Nazism, supporting an openly Nazi regime (that of Kiev). Using the Italian neo-fascist groups and European neo-Nazis as mercenaries in Ukraine the European Union is strengthening the political weight of these gangs of criminals who are now trying to implement the rise to power within the institutions as the Ukrainian neo-Nazis did from 2014 to 2020, thinking of being facilitated in countries where the institutionalized far right, but with a deceptively clean face, is already in power.
The Welfare State and the improvement of living conditions have no longer been a priority for European governments for at least ten years. In the majority of countries we are witnessing a deterioration of the welfare state increasingly entrusted to charitable associations as an element of “disturbance” for neoliberal policies aimed at the concentration of wealth. Healthcare in many countries is seriously threatened and in others (see Italy) it is crumbling at all profit of private health care. Education has been subjected to American models whose sole objective is to offer young people a strictly professional education, erasing all traces of general knowledge, critical sense and awareness of the high meaning of being “citizens” and not insignificant but useful means of production / consumption.
Democratic freedoms are increasingly threatened and the war in Ukraine has accelerated the process of authoritarian drift. Freedom of expression and information are seriously threatened. Anyone who opposes the Single Thought of War is violently attacked, isolated, hindered, mocked and considered a “traitor” in the service of the enemy: Russia. The process of digitalisation of society, promoted by the High Finance which has Europe hostage (of which Mario Draghi is one of the most authoritative and important leaders) aims at controlling citizens and establishing authoritarian models which profoundly undermine the essence of Democracy and the Constitutions to centralize power to the financial elite, transforming parties (increasingly equal and devoid of ethics and ideology) into simple executors of decisions taken by an increasingly restricted circle of “men who matter” who hold the real power behind to their simulacrum of democracy.
The defense of human rights by the European Union has become an international joke if not blasphemy. The European Union has adopted American logic, conditioning the defense of human rights to geo-strategic convenience and the sale of arms. These logics involve the interested defense of human rights towards nations considered “hostile” or “important economic competitors” and the renunciation of this defense towards nations guilty of serious violations but considered “allies”.
Concealing the numerous war crimes of the Ukrainian neo-Nazi regime by placing the blame for the massacres (of the Russian population of Donbass) on Russia is the most blatant but not the only example. The just condemnation of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine does not apply to its Middle East ally, Israel, which allows itself to bomb Syria without declaring war and which is carrying out its landgrapping and colonization policy in Palestine at armed hand of the Palestinian territories.
European democratic governments, such as Italy, have had no qualms about supporting warlords such as Vice President and General Hemedti, who has used money, military training of his troops and weapons in exchange for fighting migration flows towards Europe . A support that allowed him to increase the strength of his special corps “Rapid Intervention Forces” from 30,000 to 100,000 hyper-trained and hyper-armed in order to unleash a civil war in Sudan to seize power.
The systematic violation of human rights by the European Union manifests itself in the silent massacre of historic proportions of African, Middle Eastern and Asian immigrants, forced to flee the wars provoked by the West, but prevented from taking refuge in our dear Europe transformed by cradle of civilization to an uncivilized fortress that must keep the “barbarians” away.
To keep them away we have become directly responsible for the thousands of deaths in the Mediterranean, in the Sahara desert: Niger — Libya and Sudan — Libya routes, we finance the Libyan concentration camps where immigrants are detained, raped and tortured. We are provoking real “black hunts” in Tunisia fueled by agreements and financial support to decrease migratory flows by ensuring impunity for the horrendous crimes committed by the Tunisian government against Africans. We arm and finance the navy of the Tripoli government which has no qualms about sinking the ships of migrants, killing them, in order to keep the commitment to prevent the “barbarians” from reaching Lampedusa and continue to collect our money for this service. Ironically, the Libyan, Tunisian and Sudanese governments have for decades been our partners against illegal immigration and promoters of the lucrative human trafficking.
These US-dictated policies have effectively destroyed the high meaning of human rights protection. The majority of non-Western countries see in this defense yet another Western weapon to interfere in internal politics to subjugate governments to their hegemonic will. Any country that agrees to place itself in a condition of vassalage towards the West enjoys total immunity for the violation of human rights combined with a work of serious contrast and boycott of the media that persist in denouncing these violations, see the fall of the ‘Egypt, first African customer of Italian weapons.
Draghi, in his speech, proposed a mystification of European values (trampled by our governments) directing them towards political copies aimed at creating an insurmountable wall of confrontation between Good (the West) and Evil: African, South American, Arab, Asian barbarians, China, Russia and any country that does not accept Western and White supremacy.
Associated with this mystification Draghi reveals her state of subjection of her interest and profit to the United States, stating that this imperialist country that has caused wars and massacres of civilians everywhere; prepared for war in Ukraine since 2012; with unimaginable social inequalities within it; widespread violence and racial strife; ignoble poverty; violation of the most basic workers’ rights and environmental destruction without historical precedent, embodies Western democratic values and that there is no alternative to the United States.
Draghi, to strengthen his support for war, for destruction, for the increase in deaths among soldiers and civilians, endangering not only the Ukrainian and Russian populations but all European peoples, affirms that the Ukrainian war represents a watershed where the European Union must demonstrate its loyalty to the United States and defend its founding values threatened by Russia and China. Alliance / subjection and defense necessary to avoid profound geopolitical changes in Europe.
Ultimately, Draghi’s speech at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston was a clear testimony of the need of the current European elite (harmful, anti-democratic, tolerant of neo-fascism and neo-Nazism and promoter of exploitation and wars) to survive and continue the its policy against the peoples of Europe, aware of the political tsunami that a Russian victory in Ukraine could create.
A tsunami that could wipe out the repulsive and nefarious neo-liberal model of capitalism together with this self-referential, authoritarian ruling class associated with the strong powers of Capital, Finance and the War Industry. The only way to survive and protect the interests of this 1% of privileged Europeans (of which Draghi is a full member), is subjection to the United States even if this could lead us to a European war and the destruction of our society.